Main Application
Accelerator Card
AI inference, AI render, HPC,
image/video analysis,
and database
FusionServer G5500 V6 |
2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors |
8 x DW GPUs |
32(8 TB)
24x2.5ʺ /3.5 ʺ |
FusionServer G5500 V7 |
2 x 4th or 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors |
10 x DW GPUs |
32(8 TB)
24*2.5ʺ /3.5ʺ SAS/SATAʺ |
AI inference, AI render,
and voice/image/video
FusionServer G5200 V7 |
2 x 4th or 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors |
10*SW GPUs; |
32(8 TB)
32*2.5 ʺ /3.5ʺ SAS/SATA +4* NVMe |
AI inference, HPC, and
image/data analysis
FusionServer G8600 V7 |
2 x 4th or 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors |
8-GPU Modules |
32(8 TB)
8*2.5ʺ SAS/SATA+8*NVMe |
Why we are here today? The fire, millions of years ago, lighted up the civilization. The symbols, 6000 years ago, transmitted the culture. The industrial revolutions, 200 years ago, transformed the society. We break through the physical and mental boundaries to explore and discover the magical world.
FusionServer G8600 V7 is a new-generation flagship AI server. It supports 8 x GPU modules, 12 x standard PCIe cards, and 2 x OCP NICs, and provides ultra-large capacity or ultra-fast storage through 25 x 2.5" drives and 8 x NVMe SSDs.
FusionServer G5500 V5 is a AI Server for data centers. It has high-density heterogeneous computing capabilities and supports GPUDirect RDMA and P2P.
Événements et actualités
Paris, mi-décembre - xFusion Europe a clôturé une année exceptionnelle avec un atelier et un dîner m
Dans un bond monumental vers la durabilité, la série FusionServer a fièrement obtenu la prestigieuse
Le 17 octobre 2024, XFUSION INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. a reçu le prix d'or de la meilleure solution TIC
xFusion occupe le devant de la scène au salon GITEX (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition) Global
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